Renaissance:The profund social and cultural changes of the 15 and 16 cenutries
Humanism: One of the most important feature of the Ranaissance
Erasmus de Rotterdam:Was one of the greatest humanist
Thomas Moro:Was one of the greatest humanist
Juan Luis Vives:Was one of the greatest humanist
Johannes Gutenberg: The inventor of the printig press
Printing Press: Was a revolutionary invention
Nicolas Copernicus:He developed the heliocentric theory
Heliocentric Theory: Maintained that the Sun was the centre of the universe, and that the Earth and other planets revolved around it.
Ptolomaic: He developed the Geocentric theory
Geocentric theory: Maintained that the Earth was the centre of universe.
Quattrocento:Was a term applied to 15 century art Italian art, which flourished in Florence
Cinquecento: Was the term use to describe 16 century art, which flourished in Rome.
Leon Battista Alberti: One importan architect of the Quattrocento
Bramante: He did the first project of the Saint Peter´s Basilica
Michelangelo: Is one of the grastest and most versatile artist of all times.
Maderno: He completed the rest of the Saint Peter´s Basilica
Masaccio: Were a pioneer in the use of perspective
Raphael: Achieved perfection in his used of colour, drawing and composition.
Leonardo: He represented brilliantly nature
Titian: As a Venetian painter created highly colourful works of art
Donatello: The grastest sculptor of the Quattrocento
Albrecht Durer: Was a great Renaissance figure
Herrerian Style: Was characterised by austerity and solemnity
Plateresque style: was characterised by its abundant and delicate ornamentation
Martin Luther: Was a German monk
Lutheranism: Was incompatible with the ideas of the Catholic Church
Protestant: The Lutherans
Calvinism: His doctrine was based in the predestination
Predestination: People are condemned or saved before they are born
Henry VIII: Was a king of England
Anglican Church: The king would be head of the church instead of the Pope
Council of Trent:Met and adopted different resolutions
Society of Jesus: Founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Inquisition: Persecuted those who failed to follow Catholic