lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Charles V

Where was born Charles V? Glent(Flanders)

Could Charles V make decisions alone? No

Whose approval did he need before increasing taxes, for example? By the Parliaments

Who were the children of Charles I? Philip II of Spain, Maria of Sapin, Joan of Spain, Margaret of Parma and John of Austria.

Who ruled each territory in the king’s name? A viceroy or governor

Why did the king need to ask for loans? to finance his empire

Why did Charles V have problems with France? Beacuse Francia was his main rival for supremacy in Europe.

The main battles against France: batalla de Pavía, batalla de Roma, batalla de Saboya, batalla en Alemania.

Why were the Ottoman Turks his rivals? Because were his oher great rivals

The main battles against the Ottoman Empire:

What was his most serious problem? The rebellion of the German Protestant princes.

How did he divide his possessions when he surrendered his power? He divided his possessions. to his brother Ferdinand and the rest of his possessions went to his son Philip
Where Charles V decided to retire: Yuste, Spain

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Marco Polo:
Technical advances: Which improved navigation
Portulan Charts: Were a new maps.
Compass: Instrument that was indicating the north
astrolabe: Instrument that was serving to measure the latitude
Quadrant: Was a navigational instrument
Caravels: was faster and more spacious than its predecessors
Prince Henry the Navigator: A men what organised various expeditions.
Bartolomeu Dias: A men what opening the sea route to the Indian Ocean
Vasco de Gama: A men what reached India
Christopher Columbus: Was a Genoese sailor.
Ferdinand Magallan: The captain in the expedition of 1519
Juan Sebastian Elcano the second captain in the expedition of the 1519
Treaty of Tordesillas: Unexplored were divided between them in the teatry of Tordesillas

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Auteur: Juan Bautista de Toledo
Work: El Escolar
Type of work: Architecture
Function or Subject: Royal house
Decoration or Characteristics: It is very big, has four towers.
It has many windows, a big door and a great front with windows.


Work:Statue of David

Type of work:sculpture

Function or Subject: Nude

Decoration or Characteristics: One sees a nake young man with a hull, a sword and a few protections in the blackheads and this one on a species of nest