Three years of rotation: This was allowing that only a third part of the land should remain in fallow every year.
Mouldboard plough: Ploughed the soil more efficiently
Hanseatic league: Mercheants association
Trade fairs: Merchants met a trade fairs.The biggest fairs were held in the Champagne region of France.
Bills of exchange: Made it unnecessary to carry money.
Ghettoes: Neighborhoods where Jews lived
Moorish: Neighborhoods where Moros lived
City Council: Each city had its own government, which was directed by a mmyor
Guilds: Artisants joined in the same proffesion
Master Craftsmen: Owner the workshops, the tools and the raw maw materials.
Journeymen: Were skilled carfstmen who received wages.
Apprentices: Were young men who wanted to learn a trade.
Roman Law: Which gave much more power to the kings than traditional law.
Parliaments: They were very different from the parliaments of today. The only people who were represnted wer the king, the nobles, the clergy and the city mayors.